The INFUSION with the Magdalenas

The Magdalenas

Where are You, Beloved One? And what do you wish to create in this Universe with your very presence and essence? How else can you be here, even more than we have been before?  

“We are the Holy Women. And We are here with you, and within you. Together, we will hold close all the spaces unknown in yourselves or even the spaces you hide from yourselves. In this evolution you cannot nor do you want to, ever escape your selves.

What’s Involved

A Sacred 4 Week INFUSION ~ 5 consecutive Thursdays in the Month of May. Mary’s Month.

The 2 Hour Channelings with Christine take place on Thursdays. All Sessions are recorded and mailed out within 48 hours.

The Magdalenas have asked us to gather for this deeper Immersion into the Divine Feminine — we will be guided by them.

Attunements, Guidance, and Teachings. There will be time for answering questions directed to the Sisters. Recently, the Sisters have shared that we will work with Plasma Doorways, Interstellar Replenishment Chambers, and Initiatory Rites within the Chambers of the Great Pyramid.

28 simple daily messages will be sent to your email box with guidance from the Sisters.

When and Where

5 Thursdays during the month of May: May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th.

10 am EST - 12pm EST. All gatherings are on zoom and recorded.

Initiation Ceremony held on our last Thursday: May 30th

Cultivating this Temple of Self, we will spend 4 weeks together without alcohol or substances (smoking, alternate medicines).


Women devoted to the Sacred within Themselves.

Whether you currently facilitate Women Collectives or maybe desire to, or simply feel a pull to be in this space together, this is an Invitation to receive from the Sisters in a powerful unstructured way. We will be in this Creation together, as they have asked for this.

At the Completion

The Coronation and Mirroring is held on May 30th, 10 - 12 pm EST via zoom.

You receive the Manual with the 12 Transmissions from the Sisters and any additional teachings They provide during this time.


4 weeks Immersion inside the INFUSION

5 two hour channeling sessions with the Magdalenas. All sessions are recorded and sent out via email in 48 hours.

Daily channeled brief messages via email.

Energetic Formations, Attunements, Teachings and Guidance. This is our second year creating this. The Sisters truly facilitate and instruct as we go, depending upon who is participating.


All current Magdalenas receive 50% discount

What the Women have said:

“This is the Infusion of Self into Self.”

— The Magdalenas

Join us in the INFUSION

“I love sitting in the presence of this group—the physical beings and those in the subtle realms. The synchronicities and the resonance have been magical. I love these women and have the sense that we've been working together energetically for millennia. The sessions have empowered me and the final session helped me embody the energy, wisdom, and magic of my Soul in a way I've never before experienced.

You are the reason for everything beautiful on this Earth.