Chasing Grace
I’m sure that if I went to the gym every day I would have incredible abs or solid quads. But I can’t admit to that. But what I do every day is meditate. And practice. I have a practice. And I practice. And before I knew I was meditating, as a child I was always praying.
Growing up in a Catholic house meant growing up in the language of that experience of the divine. Maybe if I grew up in a different country or different culture, I would have a different language that broke me into the divine — that helped me step through the liminal experience into the sacred and the world of mystery and intangible. But as a child I grew up in a very Catholic Irish Italian house. And I would pray. Pray pray pray. Sometimes it would be the only moment of peace in a house of crazy trauma and insanity.
She Shines.
Channeling from the Rose Line:
“These are curious times that you are navigating. But yes, there are forever curious times.
You may be asking yourself, what action to take? But with you, with us, it is: what light can you be? What light can you be? Try your best not to force yourself into an action too quickly in order to feel you are achieving and contributing to your society.”
The Alabaster Jar
Over 20 years ago when I was in theology school, I walked into the Barnes and Noble bookstore in Washington, DC and hunted for theological research on Mary Magdalene.
Merging of Parallel Timelines
October 4th 2024 | Arrival into Venice, Italy.
I am not a visitor. I am so at home. I am in one of my parallel actualized lives. They have merged. That is my sudden awareness. That is perhaps what I’ve been feeling all these years when I would feel that I had left a part of me here.
It is a parallel life
Whose timeline has merged.
Such open fullness in my cells.
“If I have to leave, I don’t want to stay.”
I live here. Whether my body is here or not. And now, my spirit has found my body again. Things make sense. In the most insensible way.
Our String Theory
Four years ago just at the beginning of covid days, I was sitting in the trees at my favorite park on Longboat Key in a quiet space, wondering about our future, and a million other things. Probably drinking coffee.
And I perceived these strings - these energetic configurations that were perceivable to me using heightened senses that were even sharper with the concerns over the pandemic. I observed them - the life in them. If we move them a certain way… we create ripples in the universe. We create everything with the movement of the string.
Then the consideration came that within each string, we could focus to see even more information. And the source of their creation.
I take holy into my bones.
Yesterday was a curious day. In this life of almost 50 years, which I can’t believe, I’ve celebrated the sacred and the sanctuary in so many different ways.
The collective experience of holy days and then the individual one. Mine. Wrestling with emotions and experiences of self and other.
My Name is Mary
If you don’t believe in grace…
I had finally done it. Sold my things. Bought the one-way ticket. I was heading to St Lucia.
Mom had been gone a year. I had told my family after she passed that I would be heading out of the US again by the year’s end. To help them prepare for my departure.
Love Letter from Mother Earth
First of all
I love you here.
You are welcome here.
I am your mother.
I can hold you.
I am not out of balance. Much of the destruction you see here is from external applications.
Method for Magic
“You’re going to Costa Rica.”
I am? Terrific. That is absolutely terrific. And how was that about to happen?
But the Voice was the kind you listen to, the kind that offers no space for hesitation. The definitive truth has been spoken.
You never know just when that is going to hit. Any normal person, proceeding with logic and truth of a certain kind would have smiled and waved and simply kept walking on past that voice. I knew this voice though, and I knew she meant business.
Love Notes - Grief
I sit in La Samanna preparing for kundalini meditation with some guests here.
And this song, this chant, plays loud and opens my heart. I share it:
Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo
Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo
It means: “I bow to the subtle divine wisdom. I bow to the divine teacher within.”
The Stone Reader
A woman once asked why the Stones had chosen me. “They didn’t,” I told her. “They choose everyone.” Everyone. But not everyone chooses them back.” I, quite simply, did. I happen to talk to rocks. Or more accurately, I listen to them. They do most of the talking…
Exponential Goddess
I said to her, “You are exponential goddess.” Most likely, something I needed to say to my very own self. Or something I needed to hear. Never fails. We are so f*#*ing divine incarnate. We are so third eye/crown chakra/bring it to my heart chakra, pull it up through my root chakra, how much is your second chakra spinning vibrant vital.
The Nature of Viruses (excerpt)
Human love is inconceivable. The great experiment that continues to become exponential in its outcomes. It is the ultimate generative life force. It is also a measurable frequency, and a visible code to me. And when it is imputed/applied to another code, an entirely new algorithm is formed. And this is the space of what some call Miracles.