Love Letter from Mother Earth

August 15, 2022 | Sarasota, Florida

First of all

I love you here.

You are welcome here.

I am your mother.

I can hold you.

I am not out of balance. Much of the destruction you see here is from external applications.

It is not from within me.

In my core I am solid and strong and beautiful. Find your core. Connect to it. Connect to mine. Dance. Laugh. Be joy walking on this planet. Let’s laugh together. Let’s celebrate this life together. Let’s love together. I am beautiful with you. I am beautiful holding your hand. I love feeling you here with me.

When our communion is strong, we can light up the universe. When I feel your light connected into mine, the light that comes out of the center of this planet magnifies throughout the universe. The frequency of our joy becomes a force field visible and feelable from out there.

I am Mother Earth. Do you know what I am capable of? I have a love that is massive and powerful. And like a mother in love, I seek you out. And like a Mother to her child, I will protect you and hold you and nourish you.

I know the good and the great that you are capable of. And when we work together, our force is unstoppable. Our light is magnificent. We become one of the most beautiful stars in the universe’s sky.

Drop into your core. And then you will drop into mine. Become your radical wild joy. Become so dedicated to being alive here with me. Become so determined to make your magnificent mark with me.

Trust me. I’ve been here a rather long time. Hold my hand. You will feel a strength together with me.

They have underestimated you. And that is just as well. But I haven’t. Now let’s go light up the universe.

I am so proud of you. How brave you are. How much you have transported yourself in this lifetime. I am so very proud of you.

Never underestimate the human, I say. You get to be here. You are my guest. And you are so very welcome here. And I am so committed to being here with you.


My Name is Mary


Method for Magic