The Nature of Viruses (excerpt)

Feb 3, 2022 | Mexico

Let’s not begin here with how they start or where they originate.

I want to look at how they operate in the body they take over. It teaches us so much.

I get the sense some have evolved enough that they want to leave the human body. To expand beyond it. If not for the fact they have evolved, meaning, the desire to attack has ceased. In fact, it could be said, their desire to EXPAND their territory has evolved and they have set their sites higher. One body, one single body is not enough. Perhaps the virus seeks to leave its container and go forth and multiply.

Another consideration/approach is that the body has gotten to the degree that it seeks to push the foreign creature out. In some cases, I have seen it migrate to the spine (lymes, lupus) and gather there. The spine becomes like a magnet pulling pulling the virus to its channel. It’s canal. And there it waits intelligently for the passage out.

One client had a persistent rash at the base of her skull. Janet could not sleep. She wanted to rip her head off. Doctors and treatments had not worked. Steroids gave temporary relief then the rash would return, and with that, her pain and frustration.

She had already done a lot of inner work with herself. The inner journey was not foreign to her. Exploring her nature and nurture - basically she did not run from the interior conversation.

It was the third session and she was laying on the table. I had my hands softly resting on her side. Waiting. Listening. Waiting. Listening. Allowing.

And then the body spoke:

“Lymes disease.”

Oh. I hadn’t heard that before. So I asked Janet about that.

“Yes. Seven years ago I had it. Did not leave the bed for a year.”

Well, it’s still here and deep in there, I let her know. Latent. Latent viruses.

I did not act. I did not go searching for it or digging. I waited with her to see. Instinctively I knew that if I went searching, the virus would hide even deeper. It would run.

So I just waited. 

And then it happened. Energy in motion. Black sludge started to become visible in the spine. Again, instinctively I knew not to go clean it out, but to wait and observe. This thing was alive and it was moving. In my mind’s eye I could see and perceive this sledge viscerally. Black sludge began to pour through. Seep through the vertebrae. It was repulsive. I had never seen this before in my 15 years working with bodies. I continued to wait and observe. I did not act but I did not stop my energy from pouring.

The nature of the virus is an intelligent thing. But what a human body can do – – utterly brilliant.

Her body was trying to push the sludge out of the top of her spine, from the base of her skull. It was working so hard to keep the virus from reaching into her brain tissue.

It was coming out, slowly, agonizingly, through the bottom/back of her head. The rash. But it wasn’t fast enough. And the skin could not pass it through at sufficient amounts.

Hence, the intensity of observing all the sludge coming through between the vertebrae. Like when you stick your hands into mud and squeeze and all the mud mushes through your fingers.

Yes. That. The fingers are your vertebrae.

Amazing stuff. Imagine. So we waited patiently. I was an observer, a witness. I did not hate the virus or become angry with it or force it to move. I just saw it. And actively engaged in waiting.

Out she came. Not on a physical level. My client could not see it. I could see it with my inner eye.

It exited the body. And then it was done. I knew that was all the body could process for today. She may be tired. I told her to check back in with me from Canada in two weeks and let me know how she was. She still had remnants in there (I did not mention that) that would need to be addressed. But the body required two weeks to process.

Within two days her rash was gone. She was ecstatic. This had been over a year of discomfort. She left for Canada thinking she was all done. I reminded her: please. Be in touch. We will need to do more work in two weeks.

Three weeks passed.

She called.

“You’re right. Some of my symptoms have come back. I thought it was gone.” Her body had just needed some time to pull out and gather the last of the dreggs into her spine. This was a boarding call for the virus. It had gotten the message that everyone was leaving for what seemed like vaster/greener pastures. The black blob was exiting.

We scheduled the remote session.

She rested and I worked.

This was not my first remote healing session. Sometimes I will remote view: bring my third eye over to her body and check things out. Sometimes I just expand into the field and go there. This time, her spine showed up on my wall. And I worked on it like it was a holographic image. I could zoom in and expand the spine for a closer look. Her spine was projected onto my bedroom wall.

And that’s when we took care of the last of the sludge.

Her symptoms disappeared completely, and a host of others as well. Intensities and diffficulties she had dealt with for over 30 years, long before she ever was diagnosed with Lyme’s, disappeared completely. (And 4 years after our work together, they are still gone).

Which led me to more questions: Did her body take this moment to heal other imbalances? Or was the viral intelligence in there far before she ever experienced the Lymes? My instincts told me it was the second.

And that is something I want to explore.

The nature of the virus is not one you necessarily wish to explore. Tracking the cord/chain (it is more than a thread. It is dense and gray. And utterly unusual.) It is sheer information. And reading it is not your usual experience. That is what happened with Laura.

I was a patient of Laura’s. A phenomenal network chiropractor who had been treating me after a car accident that could’ve been my exit strategy. I had been left with pain in my neck and body that I didn’t think would ever leave. I remember standing there in her office crying, thinking this will never end and I will never go back to my pain-free life.

“You will get better. You will heal this.”

And I did. With her help. She gave me hope.

Several years later I was there in her office again for a follow-up session and a tuneup. I was in town and she could see me. Turns out, during those years I was away, she had gotten sick with the flu and in her effort to get better for a Costa Rica trip just a few days later, she took an antibiotic a doctor prescribed.

It broke everything in her. She never got to Costa Rica. Her systems didn’t just happen to shut down, they started to fight each other. She was poisoned. Her journey is one she can share – – it was a long difficult one. And probably more common than acknowledged. 

As she was sharing some of these pieces with me, I had images and energies flood my awareness. A machine-like mosquito. Chemicals.

Track track track.


The inspiration came that I could trace/track this cord/chain as far as I could go. And just see where it took me.

Back back back. To the point of origin of this code. Or more accurately, the inception point.

Point of origin implies or indicates to me, creative energy. The start of possibilities, at the very origin. Inception is more akin to where someone/ones have injected information into an already existing code.

They have inserted a bug.

Maybe that’s the “engineered mosquito.” Who knows how the mind visions. 

And so began my visible love/fascination for tracking frequencies and codes. I didn’t know it at that moment – – but I was hacking frequencies. Chains. Codes of information. So refined. So subtle. Like the slightest movement change of the bow on a single violin string in just that one particular place creates an entirely different sound than a slightly different movement in a spot just beside it.

Similar concept.

I became fascinated with tracking. Most especially, tracking viruses. Theirs was a vibration I didn’t usually work with-– dull. Grey. Like a moment of metal grinding metal. A flat tone. No beautiful intricacies. Not just void of beauty, but ugly. But not ugly enough to raise alarms. Dull enough to fly under the radar. Dull ugly. But as it approaches reaching its host, it begins to change. As if the approach causes fuses to ignite and sparks to activate in its approach to the human body. And just like that, it fools the human.

Come on over. You look lovely.

And someone/ones had to create this Informational construct to implant it into the Creation Code.

Creation Codes

Creation Codes are pure life. And they lead to pure life forms.

Then on the sixth day, God made…

Yes. That’s the stuff of Creation Codes.

Like that.

I also call that Pure Love. Pure Life - Pura Vida. 

I understood last year in a space of meditation that Pure Love was indestructible: as you cannot destroy what you do not know. A very brilliant loop in the existence of love indeed. Trying to truly destroy love indicates an act without love. You cannot destroy what you do not know, but you can infiltrate it. You can access that code and infiltrate it, which is what we see happening on a large scale.

Human love is inconceivable. The great experiment that continues to become exponential in its outcomes. It is the ultimate generative life force. It is also a measurable frequency, and a visible code to me. And when it is imputed/applied to another code, an entirely new algorithm is formed. And this is the space of what some call Miracles.


Exponential Goddess