Love Notes - Grief

Spring 2022 | La Samanna St Martin

Hello, Loves

I sit in La Samanna preparing for kundalini meditation with some guests here.

And this song, this chant, plays loud and opens my heart. I share it:

Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo

Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo

It means: “I bow to the subtle divine wisdom. I bow to the divine teacher within.”

This version is by White Sun, a Kundalini group from LA that I used to listen and share in my kundalini classes. This particular version is quick and light and beautiful.

I play the sound and I feel the plants and the bees and the sky with joy and happiness around me. I know the planet is intense right now. So much violence and war and pain.

And so incredible that nature is reminding us of this joyful aspect too.

Find your rhythm. Shiver and shake and dance if you can. There is still this.

There is still this. ❤️

I remember how a year after my mom passed, I was at a Kundalini Solstice retreat. I went to a workshop on forgiveness. In the self. The universe. Relationships.

I knew I needed to go.

The facilitator led us through several chants and practices, carefully moving us through a journey of deep real forgiveness.

I laid there weeping. Grief over Mom leaving. Deep grief at missing her so very much.

I felt her hand suddenly in mine and I cried even more.

Then a moment later I saw her spirit and heard her voice.

She said with so much love and tenderness and care:

“Cry all you need, but this is what I am doing.”

And I watched her spirit walk up to the front of the tent. And she started to dance. Dance. She was showing me her Heaven.

I couldn’t stop smiling. My tears stopped. My heart broke open. And I could feel her happiness.

I think of that suddenly again. There is so much grief. So much pain in our world.

And as my mom’s spirit said:

Cry all you need.

And when you are ready, come dance with me. ❤️


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