I take holy into my bones.

April 8 2023 | Sarasota, Florida

Yesterday was a curious day. In this life of almost 50 years, which I can’t believe, I’ve celebrated the sacred and the sanctuary in so many different ways.

The collective experience of holy days and then the individual one. Mine. Wrestling with emotions and experiences of self and other. 

Yesterday I was greatful to begin my day with kundalini at Dawn’s sanctuary. She chose these heart-centered meditations. In the middle of swinging my arms around, I would laugh at these sudden aha awarenesses of being human. Of me being human. What a wild wild journey. 

All the things I’ve taken so seriously. So intensely. 

All the bound up energy held in getting it right. 

Holy f*%k. 

And then my laughter at my experience of all of it. In flashes. The experiences and emotions go by. The human beauty. The human intensity. The human sadness. The human love. Loneliness. Connection. 

What a day indeed. 

I ended my day with kirtan. Wasn’t on my calendar. Nothing actually was. Thank you Regina for bringing me along… haven’t chanted with a group in probably 5 years. Heart poured open. Hugs of bodies in true connection. 

I take holy into my bones. 


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